Nordic Course for MD’s in Specialist Training

“The Professional Role of a Clinical Biochemist / Laboratory Doctor”

September 15th – 17th 2025 in Copenhagen

Objective of the course

The overall topic is to introduce various professional roles in clinical biochemistry – and to discuss what is important when searching for a professional role. Various examples of professional roles of clinical biochemists/laboratory doctors are presented, either by lecturers sharing their personal academic road or by lecturers presenting how they manage important tasks being a specialist in clinical biochemistry. There are 3 sessions with topics within basic clinical biochemistry, laboratory operation and development and leadership and communication. Most lecturers are well known experts within their specific field and will present themselves and their professional role in combination with their specific topic. 

After the course you have: 

• Achieved knowledge regarding a wide range (arrays) of professional opportunities that exist in clinical biochemistry and the diversity

within the specialty

• Improved your ability to be critical and reflective in transitions from one role to another.

• Obtained inspiration towards your own possibilities.

• Improved your ability to ensure an efficient laboratory operation and to manage important stakeholders.   

In the end the course should induce the participants to reflect on their own role and bring them one step ahead in that process.

Teaching methods:

The participants must expect some preparation before the course

The course consists of:

• Lectures

• Groupwork

• Presentations from/in groups


The course is for MD’s in specialist training for clinical biochemistry. Depending on the number of participants there may be openings for PhD students or (bio)chemists. The Course is not approved in the specialist education for (bio)chemist in Denmark.  


Registration deadline: July 15th 2025

Course dates: September 15th – 17th  2025

Arrival for participants: September 14th  or in the morning September 15th 2025.


Send the following information by e-mail to Debbie Norring-Agerskov (


MD: yes/no

If not MD, specify:

E-Mail address:





Hotelroom: Please note if accommodation is needed all three days: 

September 14th – 15th

September 15th – 16th

September 16th – 17th


Copenhagen – details will follow


Dkr 7000,- including breakfast, lunch and accommodation (Dkr 3500 for accommodation and Dkr 3500 for the course)


Please contact course coordinators: 

Nete Hornung

Department of Clinical Biochemistry

Gødstrup Hospital

DK-7400 Herning



Linda Hilsted

Department of Clinical Biochemistry


DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø


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