![Klinisk Biokemi i Norden – 2008 special issue](https://www.nfkk.org/wp-content/uploads/kbn-2008-suppl.jpg)
Modern cellbased coagulation-overview of the system
Agnaeta Siegbahn, Dept. of Clinical Chemistry
Measuring primary hemostasis
Riitta Lassila, Dept. of Haematology
Common screening tests for coagulation-APTT, AC T and PT
Tomas Lindahl, Linköping University, Health Faculty
Coagulation factor and inhibitor analyses
Jørgen Ingerslev, Dept. of Clinical Immunology
Von Willebrand disease-Diagnosis and treatment
Stefan Lethagen, Center for Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Hemofilia- Diagnosis and therapy
Erik Berntorp, Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Screening tests for bleeding disorders
Pall Torfi Önundarson, Dept. Of Laboratory Hematology and Hemostasis Center and University of Iceland Medical School
Tests used in the clinical evaluation of the fibrinolytic system
Björn Wiman, Dept. of Clinical Chemistry
The Anticoagulant Protein C Pathway
Björn Dahlbäck and Johan Stenflo
Arterial tromboembolism-Mechanisms, risk indicators and treatment
Harald Arnesen and Ingebjørg Seljeflot, Center for Clinical Heart Research, Dept. of Cardiology
Venous thrombosis-Diagnosis and Treatment
Waleed Ghanima and Per Morten Sandset, Dept. of Hematology
Laboratory Diagnosis of antiphospholipid antibodies
Andreas Hillarp, Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Monitoring and management of anticoagulation treatment
Hans Johnsson, Institute for Medicine/Emergency Dept
Thrombophilia-A clinical approach to thrombophilia testing
Peter Svensson, Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Diagnosis of Overt and Non-overt Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Jörn Dalsgaard-Nielsen, Thrombosis Center Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry
Point-of-Care coagulation testing
Sofia Ramström, Linköping University, Health Faculty