Nordic Course for MD’s in Specialist Training
“The Professional Role of a Clinical Biochemist / Laboratory Doctor”
October 23rd – 25th 2018 in Copenhagen
The overall purpose of the Nordic course is to present the professional role of a clinical biochemist/laboratory doctor – and to show good examples of roles in clinical biochemistry. There are 3 sessions with topics within basic clinical biochemistry and one session in leadership and dialogue. All lecturers are well known experts within their specific field who will present themselves and their professional role in combination with their specific topic. The purpose is to give the participants an understanding of the professional opportunities that exist in clinical biochemistry and the diversity within the speciality. In the end the course should induce the participants to reflect on their own role and bring them one step ahead in that process.
Preliminary programme day 1 – 3
6 x 45 min Topics: Routine laboratory and clinical hematology, the role of clinical biochemist, research parameters. Lecturers – to be announced
Goldmining in Clinical Biochemistry
6 x 45 min Topics: “Goldmining” in basics areas, new biomarkers, laboratory informatics systems, biobanks. Lecturers – to be announced
P4 molecular medicine, genomics / metabolomics approaching the clinical laboratory
6 x 45 min Topics: P4 medicine (preventive, predictive, personalized and participatory health care), next-gen sequencing, metabolomics. Lecturers – to be announced
Communication, dialogue, teaching, leadership
5 x 45 min Topics: Communication and leadership for Clinical Biochemists. Lecturers – to be announced
1 x 45 min The role of a clinical biochemist. Moderators – to be announced
Practical information
Registration deadline: August 21st 2018
Course dates: October 23rd – 25th, 2018.
Arrival for participants October 22nd or in the morning October 23rd 2018.
Comfort Hotel Vesterbro
Vesterbrogade 23 – 29
DK- 1620 Copenhagen V
Tel: +45 3378 8000
Dkr 6000,- including breakfast, lunch and accommodation
More information will be provided later
Details regarding registration
Complete and detailed programme
Names of lecturers
Please contact course coordinators:
Nete Hornung
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Randers Regionalhospital
DK-8930 Randers NØ
Linda Hilsted
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
DenmarkNordic Course for MD’s in Specialist Training